Hugo setup in org format

Exploring using Hugo as a static site generator, partially because it supports org-mode, and partially because there's some additional widgets for hugo that I'd like to explore. Below are the steps followed to create this post:

Experimenting with hugo: initial setup

brew install hugo
hugo new site quickstart
cd quickstart/
git init
git submodule add themes/ananke
echo 'theme = "ananke"' >> config.toml

Adding a post:

hugo new posts/

Obviously, change for subsequent posts.

Change them to hyde:

It's fairly ubiquitous, but let's start with hyde as a theme anyway:

cd themes/
git clone
cd -

Finally, edit config.toml to update the theme.

Running server:

Automaticically reloads when content changes.

hugo server -D

-D flag includes draft posts.


  1. Important to note that if the <!--more--> line is missing in a post, the post remains unformatted.

  2. Images can be referenced in a as ./<filename> if it's stored in a directory of the same name as the post without the .org suffix.

See also